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高三英语复习教学案 (Module1 Unit1)
[来源:自编 | 作者:高三英语备课组 | 日期:2010-12-22 21:14:54 ] 字体:[ ]



(Module1 Unit1)


1. attend a meeting/conference 参加会议  attend a lecture/a concert 听报告/音乐会

  attend one’s class/ school/church 上课/上学/去教堂

  attend to a visitor/an old man 招待客人/照顾老人

  attend to an urgent matter 处理一件急事

2play an important part/role in 中起重要作用

3.  join a club 加入一个俱乐部 join sb.in discussion/discussing 和某人一起讨论

4  take part in/join in/ participate in the National Day festivals 参加国庆庆典活动

5.  respect one’s view 尊重某人的观点  have /show respect for ……尊敬

  give/send one’s respects to sb. 代为问候某人

6. the average temperature 平均温度  well above/below average 远远高于/低于平均水平

7. prepare sb. for/to do sth 使某人为….做准备 be well prepared for/to 做好充分准备

  in preparation for /make preparations for the entrance examination 为入学考试做准备

8. teaching experience 教学经验   an unforgettable experience一次难忘的经历

  experience the joy in helping others 感受/体验帮助被人带来的快乐

  be experienced in English teaching  在英语教学上有经验/擅长于英语教学

9. regret to say  遗憾地说                 

  regret telling /having told him the truth 后悔告诉他事实

  to my regret /satisfaction/joy/relieve /anger令我遗憾/满意/高兴/欣慰/生气的是

10. inform sb of/about the latest information 告诉某人最近信息

   keep sb. informed of 随时告诉某人使某人及时了解某事  

be well informed about sth 精通某事;对某事消息灵通

11. require sth. of sb.要求某人某事  require sb to do sth.要求某人做某事

   require doing/to be done (主语)需要(被……

   require that sb (should) do 要求….

12. leave out main points/decide what to leave out and what to leave in/leave out the possibility of sb’s coming遗漏要点/决定何取何舍/不考虑某人来的可能性(遗漏,省/略去,不考虑 ) 

leave behind 忘带,留下,把,,,抛在后面   忘带,留下,把,,,抛在后面

   leave about clothes乱丢,乱放衣服        

leave him /the tap alone别管他/别耍弄水龙头 (不管,不理会; 不惹动)

   leave off talking /the medicine(使)停止讲话/不再用药 

   leave for Shanghai 前往/动身去上海

13. pay attention to improving people’s living conditions 注意提高人民的生活水平

   attract/catch/draw/ call /get one’s attention 吸引/引起某人的注意力

14. come up with different ideas 提出不同的想法

   How come….? 怎么发生的?(某事)怎么解释?

   When it comes to +n./doing …涉及到,谈到….

15. cover an area of 占据 ….面积   cover an event 报道一件事情

   Cover a mistake 掩盖错误     cover the cost of sth够支付某物的费用

   Cover fifty miles 走了五十英里  on the back cover 在书的封底

16. drop a subject 放弃一门学科  drop sb a line 给某人写信

   drop in on sb.顺便拜访某人   drop in at sp..顺便参观某地

   drop off 不知不觉入睡;减少      drop out of school 逃学     

17.achieve one’s goal 达到目的    achieve one’s ambition实现抱负

  achieve success  取得成功      make achievements 取得成功、获得成绩

18. earn one’s living 谋生       earn a good reputation 博得美名

   earn one’s respect 获得尊重  earn one’s bread 养家糊口

二. 句块过关

1. Upon /On hearing the terrible news(一听到那个糟糕的消息), she burst into tears.

2. I’m not a bit tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaaning and I have never had as tiring a day as today(我从没度过像今天这么累的一天).

3 I found the homework was not as heavy as(没有繁重) what I used to get in my old school

4. The question hasn't come up yet.问题还没有被提出

5. Facing the emergency , we were at a loss and none of us could come up with (想出、提出)a solution to the problem.

6. It is so difficult a problem (如此难的一个问题)that we can't work it out.

7. (leave的短语)

Please leave the glass alone; you might break it.

    It has been raining the whole morning, and it hasn't left off yet.

    Take care not to leave anything behind when you leave the hotel.

    It’s time to leave off work for lunch.

    In copying the letter , be careful not to leave out any words.’

    Her husband is leaving for Beijing tomorrow and staying there for a month.

 8. Her bike needed repairing/to be repaired (repair). She required that the work (should) be finished(finish) in ten minutes.

 9. My manager asked me to keep him informed(inform) of everyting about the sales in time.

 10. The secretary informed us that (告诉我们inform)the lecture had been cancelled, so we didn’t go.

 11. I regret to tell (tell)you that I have forgotten to bring (bring)the book you want.

 12. I regretted buying/having bought (buy) the computer at such a high price.

 13. My father is very exoerienced in (有经验)teaching English Literature.

 14.Well prepared(prepare) for the exam, he didn’t feel a bit nervous.

 15. All the students are in preparation for/ making preparations for (做准备)the coming debate on climate change.

 16.Our club is much more than just music. 我们的俱乐部远远不只是播放音乐。

17Going to a British high school(去一所英国中学) for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.

18Being exposed to the sun (暴晒于阳光下)is not suitable for most people.


   1 A person whose e-mail account is full won’t be able to send or receive any e-mail.

   2)  My friend showed me round the town, which was very kind of him.

   3) The girl arranged to have paino lessons at the training center with her sister where she would stay for an hour.

   4) The old temple whose roof /the roof of which /of which the roof was damage in a storm is now under repair.

   5) I can’t tolerate guests who never arrive on time.

   6) Last week I interviewed a writer and he told me about things and persons (that) I have never heard of .

   7) The best thing (that) we can do now is to wait.




(Module1 Unit1)


1.__________________________ 参加会议  ________________________ 听报告/音乐会



_______________________________ 处理一件急事


3. _________________ 加入一个俱乐部 _________________________和某人一起讨论

4 ________/________________/______________ the National Day festivals 参加国庆庆典活动

5.  ________________ 尊重某人的观点  ___________________________--……尊敬

  give/send one’s respects to sb. _________________________

6. the average temperature ___________  well above/below average ________________

7. prepare sb. for/to do sth 使某人为….做准备_____________________ 做好充分准备

  ________________________________________the entrance examination 为入学考试做准备

8. ___________________________ 教学经验   ________________________一次难忘的经历

  _____________________in helping others 感受/体验帮助被人带来的快乐

  _________________________________ 在英语教学上有经验/擅长于英语教学

9. ___________________  遗憾地说

  ____________________________ 后悔告诉他事实


10. _________________ the latest information 告诉某人最近信息

   ______________________ 随时告诉某人使某人及时了解某事  

be well informed about sth _______________________

11. __________________要求某人某事  ____________________.要求某人做某事

   __________________________ (主语)需要(被……

   require that sb _____________________要求….

12. leave out main points/decide what to leave out and what to leave in/leave out the possibility of sb’s coming__________________/_______________ /____________________________ 

__________________忘带,留下,把,,,抛在后面   忘带,留下,把,,,抛在后面


___________him /the tap _____________别管他/别耍弄水龙头 (不管,不理会; 不惹动)

   _______________ /the medicine(使)停止讲话/不再用药 

   ____________________ Shanghai 前往/动身去上海

13. ______________________________________________________注意提高人民的生活水平

   ______/________/_______/__________/_________one’s attention 吸引/引起某人的注意力

14. ___________________ 提出不同的想法

   ___________________ 怎么发生的?(某事)怎么解释?


15. cover an area of ______________   cover an event _______________

   Cover a mistake ____________    cover the cost of sth_______________________

   Cover fifty miles __________________  on the back cover ___________________

16. drop a subject __________________ drop sb a line ____________________

   ___________________顺便拜访某人   _________________..顺便参观某地

   drop off ___________________      _________________________逃学

17.________________ 达到目的   __________  achieve one’s ambition______________

  __________________ 取得成功      _________________ 取得成功、获得成绩

18. _______________ 谋生       earn a good reputation ___________________

   earn one’s respect __________________  earn one’s bread ________________

二. 句块过关

1. _________________________________(一听到那个糟糕的消息), she burst into tears.

2. I’m not a bit tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaaning and I have never had______________________________as today(我从没度过像今天这么累的一天).

3 I found the homework was ________________(没有繁重what I used to get in my old school

4. The question hasn't _______________ yet.问题还没有被提出

5. Facing the emergency , we were at a loss and none of us could ____________________ (想出、提出)a solution to the problem.

6. It is ______________________ (如此难的一个问题)that we can't work it out.

7. (leave的短语)

Please ____________ the glass ____________; you might break it.

    It has been raining the whole morning, and it hasn't ______________yet.

    Take care not to ____________ anything ______________ when you leave the hotel.

    It’s time to ____________work for lunch.

    In copying the letter , be careful not to _________________ any words.’

    Her husband is_______________Beijing tomorrow and staying there for a month.

 8. Her bike needed _______________/______________(repair). She required that the work _____________________(finish) in ten minutes.

 9. My manager asked me to keep him ___________(inform) of everyting about the sales in time.

 10. The secretary__________________(告诉我们inform)the lecture had been cancelled, so we didn’t go.

 11. I regret _____________ (tell)you that I have forgotten__________ (bring)the book you want.

 12. I regretted____________/_______________ (buy) the computer at such a high price.

 13. My father is very _________________-有经验)teaching English Literature.

 14.Well ________________(prepare) for the exam, he didn’t feel a bit nervous.

 15. All the students are ________________/____________________ (做准备)the coming debate on climate change.

 16.Our club is_____________________just music. 我们的俱乐部远远不只是播放音乐。

17____________________(去一所英国中学) for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.

18______________________ (暴晒于阳光下)is not suitable for most people.


   1 A person ____________ e-mail account is full won’t be able to send or receive any e-mail.

   2)  My friend showed me round the town, ________________was very kind of him.

   3) The girl arranged to have paino lessons at the training center with her sister __________ she would stay for an hour.

   4) The old temple___________roof /the roof of __________/of ______________ the roof was damage in a storm is now under repair.

   5) I can’t tolerate guests ____________ never arrive on time.

   6) Last week I interviewed a writer and he told me about things and persons _____________I have never heard of .

   7) The best thing_____________ we can do now is to wait.