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[来源:本站原创 | 作者:钱斌斌 | 日期:2018-11-1 15:22:41 ] 字体:[ ]


1. 简要描述漫画内容] 2. 结合实际,谈谈你的感想3. 举例说明你能在学雷锋活动中做些什么

As we can see from the cartoon, there are mainly two opposite opinions about whether its necessary to learn from Lei Feng. Some people hold the view that its still worth learning from Lei Feng in modern society, while others think otherwise.

From my perspective, the spirit of Lei Feng is more necessary than ever before due to the moral decline. In reality, people inspired by Lei Feng can be seen everywhere, among whom the most beautiful mother Wu Juping is an outstanding example. She saved a child at the risk of her own life. Cheng Guangbiao, a generous entrepreneur, has been donating money and daily necessities to people in need.

As senior high school students, we should not only involve ourselves in such a meaningful deed but also appeal to as many people as possible to do their bit to help the needy. Only by giving will you be able to receive more than you already have.点击浏览下一页