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[来源:互联网 | 作者:钱斌斌 | 日期:2018-11-6 8:32:10 ] 字体:[ ]

Our Yale citizenship, however, is not based on national origin. Our students hail from 121 countries. Nor is it based on our adherence to a certain set of beliefs or dogma, as we bring an enormous range of viewpoints and perspectives to this campus. Instead, we are citizens of Yale because we share a desire to know, understand, and create. We are members of an academic community dedicated to Urim v’Thummim, lux et veritas, light and truth.

耶鲁公民身份并非基于国家和地域。我们的学生来自全球121个国家;同时它也不是基于我们对某种信仰或教条的坚持,因为我们所有人为这个校园带来了极为广泛的观点和视角。相反,我们是耶鲁公民,是因为我们都渴望学习、理解并创造。我们都属于同一个学术团体,致力于追求Urim v’Thummim(起源于希伯来语,意为光明与真理)lux et veritas(拉丁语,意为光明与真理),光明与真理。
We are poets and psychologists, historians and scientists, physicians and deans, and yet we all share the same fundamental goal: to expand the horizons of the known world. To ask questions that shake the foundations of knowledge and to rebuild them again with new answers.
Our world is desperate f  or new ideas and solutions. We need to understand the human condition and our planet. We need insights into the genome. We need breakthroughs in our ability to fight disease, alleviate suffering, and find justice. We need answers to urgent and long-standing questions.
You will tackle this important work at Yale. The experiences you have here will shape the rest of your lives, and you will have opportunities that most people only dream of.
And because a Yale education is a great privilege, it comes with certain obligations. I want to speak today about some of the most important obligations of Yale citizenship. I will delineate four of them:
The responsibility to be curious, constantly;
The duty to listen to others, even those whose thoughts you despise, and to exchange ideas freely;
The obligation to create a culture of respect here;
And the requirement to use the gifts you have been provided to serve others and the world.

So, the first obligation concerns our intellectual and scholarly work. Our campus must be a place conducive to deep study that will motivate both a lifetime of learning and the development of character that will serve you well as future leaders.
Yale will demand much of you. There will be times when you don’t understand an assignment or struggle with a problem set. You may do poorly on a midterm. At least I hope so! Those failures—as much as your successes—mean you are doing something right. Be kind to yourself, and remember that you have come to Yale because you don’t know everything—not yet.
The faculty will be alongside you, as teachers and mentors. This is my thirty-third year on Yale’s faculty, and I know that working with students is one of the great joys of this profession. Go to office hours. Get to know your professors, and they will help you deepen and expand your expertise. Most of all, allow your curiosity to take wing—to take you in unexpected directions and lead you to new areas   of study, practice, and discovery.